I'm having some difficulties with JA Slideshow Lite on my Joomla 5.1 install. I've installed the module, published it to all pages, selected the folder with the desired images all renamed sl1.jpg, sl2.jpg, etc and it won't ever populate the gallery. I've been following the instructions at https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-module/ja-slideshow-lite but have been unsuccessful in getting this working. Would you be able to point me in the right direction to resolve this? Thank you!

    capstone2 Hi

    It seems that there is issue in Joomla 5.1.0 version, we're looking into this issue and will keep you posted.

    Hi, capstone2

    Please install the updated Ja Slideshow Lite module, which is compatible with J5.1.0, to resolve the issue. The reason is that in J5.1.0, Joomla does not load jQuery by default on extension and frontend pages.
    You please check and response to us.



    Thank you for the update! I have the module now displaying the gallery in the backend but still am having difficulty with the front end displaying the pictures.

    I renamed the files again but still no luck

      Hi, capstone2

      On your server side, there may be some configurations preventing the native JavaScript from loading, particularly the DOMContentLoaded event, which is essential for initializing the slideshow event. Additionally, there was a conflict between the Fade slideshow type and some styles on your site.
      I've addressed these issues, fixed and installing the latest version of JA Slideshow Lite on your site, and now everything appears to be functioning correctly. These improvements will be included in the next version release.
      Please review and let us know if everything is satisfactory.



      Thank you vangogh!

      I need to add this to my production site now. Can you let me know how to make the same changes to it so that the module will display correctly. I can download this version and install it but the DOMContentLoaded event and such?

      Thank you again! I really appreciate your help!

        capstone2 You can download the latest version and install into your production site.

        Remember to backup your site first.

        Hi, capstone2
        Currently, you only need to download the module I attached in my reply above and install it on your production site. It will work directly without any additional fixes.



        It is working!
        Thank you very much for straightening this out for me. Now I'm going to work on customizing the display using the provided instructions.

        Again, thank you!

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