Hi, I can't understand how to change the background image in the footer, could you tell me how to do it?

Thanks in advance


Hi Francus,

It depends on the theme you're using, this background is inheriting the Primary color set under Theme Color section in template settings of your site:

In case that you want to override this style, use this rule:

.acm-features.style-5 .item-inner {
background: your_color_code !important;


    Hi saguaros, thank you for the reply.

    But my question was not about the color but about the image seen in the background (various vegetables).

    The image is /images/joomlart/others/footer.jpg

    Where is this image set? Is the only way to overwrite the image with the same name?

    Isn't it possible to have no image for example?

    Best regards


    My bad!

    You can open the Layout settings of template >> look for the Footer section >> click the small config icon >> a popup will appears and you can change this image via the Overlay tab:

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