I have successfully used the Smart Slider 3 slider on Purity III and IV sites without issues in the past.
Recently, after a T4 Framework Update, the Smart Slider 3 slide stopped being able to display png images as slides but retained its ability to display jpg images.
The conflict between the T4 Framework and the Smart Slider 3 is known to the Nextend developers (who develop Smart Slider 3). This is from one of their FAQs on this issue (https://smartslider.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1987-known-plugin-conflicts#t4):
"The T4 Framework replaces a lot of data attributes in the HTML code of pages to data-bs , which messes up Smart Slider and prevents it from working properly. From the coding side we can't do anything about that, so the only solution is to change the plugin order at your admin menu: System → Plugins (under Manage) → at "Filter options" select the "system" type plugins → move the Smart Slider 3 System Plugin under T4 System."
I had already placed my Smart Slider 3 System Plugin below the T4 System so the above fix was not successful for me.
Is there a way for me to override or prevent the T4 System Plugin from changing the "data" attributes in the code generated by the Smart Slider 3 to "data-bs", or is there a fix for this problem?