Hi! How can I change the 'Send e-mail' button text (to a Hungarian text) in JA Quick Contact module? Thank you!
gallowsbird Hi
Please go to Backend of your site >> System >> Language Overrides and add override for this language constant: SEND_EMAIL
For more information, please refer to the Joomla documentation on language overrides
saguaros Thank you! You are always a great help!
It's my pleasure.
If you need any urgent help or custom services, you can reach me directly via:
Email: devnjoo@gmail.com WhatsApp: +84985847208 Skype : hiennm88 Telegram: heinzz8
One more question about Quick contact module: I set up and enabled captcha-recaptcha plugin, but form on frontpage does not use this plugin. How can I enable recaptcha plugin in quick contact module?
Thank you!
The provided admin account doesn't work, did you try to install the plugin and enable it on your site? https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/joomlart/joomla-extensions/ja-quick-contact-module
saguaros Sorry, the admin account works now! The quick contact module already installed and working on frontpage. Sending e-mails etc, but without recaptcha sending messages filled by robots too.
gallowsbird I apologize if my previous message was unclear. I was referring to the plugin: Multi Captcha Engine Plugin.
I have installed and published this plugin for your site. Kindly take a look:
saguaros Thank you very much! It is OK. You are brilliant as always!
It's my pleasure 😉