Product: JoomlArt Extension Manager
Product Version: 2.7.6
Joomla Version: 5.1.2
PHP Version: 8.2
Error Displayed:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property jaProducts::$client_id is deprecated in /administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/lib/jaupdater/core/bean/Products.php on line 61
The above error is generated repeatedly and prolifically when using JoomlArt Extension Manager. On the main screen, it is triggered by using the Check Update function. It also appears when selecting the Compare option for a product which has an available update. On that screen, selecting one of the Compare vs options will also generate the error.
Although PHP depreciation errors can be suppressed, we draw attention to this error so that the depreciated action can be updated to modern practice as promptly as possible.
Thank you.