Hi! For legal reasons I had to place a badge to the site to a very specific area which is the same as the place of Back to top button.

How can I either unpuplish/deactivate or relocate the button to the left side?

Thank you!


You can use this custom css to move it to the left:

#back-to-top {
    right: auto !important;
    left: 30px;

To remove it, just edit this file: /templates/ja_morgan/tpls/blocks/footer.php

and remove this snippet of code:

<div id="back-to-top" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="200" class="back-to-top hidden-xs hidden-sm affix-top">
  <button class="btn btn-primary" title="Back to Top"><span class="ion-ios-arrow-round-up"></span></button>

    saguaros Thank you, it worked. But the white up arrow dissappiered form the button. Can you check it for me?
    Thank you!

    5 days later

    It lacks of IonIcons library, I added for you in the file: root/templates/ja_morgan/etc/assets.xml


      It's my pleasure 😉

      P.S.: If you need urgent assistance or custom work, feel free to reach out to me directly via:

      Email: devnjoo@gmail.com
      WhatsApp: +84 985 847 208
      Skype: hiennm88
      Telegram: heinzz8
      Slack: heinzguru@gmail.com

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