My site is informational, and the articles are arranged by category and named by topic.
For example, the category is vitamins, and the article name is A, B, C, etc. Another category is minerals; the article's names are calcium, magnesium, etc., and so on. There are many different categories related to health.
Being category-driven works well for navigating the site, and the article index comes up clean and easy to read when a user navigates via the category list.
My problem is that the site title is extremely lacking. It only shows the short article name and site name, such as 'Calcium HomeRemedySite.com'. It would be extremely helpful if I could add the category or categories to the article title. I've looked all over settings and can't see where to include anything other than the site name (which I already do). Do you have any idea how to add this to the title, similar to the way the site name is also being added now?
Thank you in advance.