Hi, how to make that masthead to be same on all pages? to be like this one: https://www.osdjjaksic.edu.rs/novosti with title in the middle and with darkened overlay?
this is same category blog menu item with same settings, but not looks like above one. https://www.osdjjaksic.edu.rs/dokumenta-cat
I created a custom HTML module and assign to 'masthead' position for this dokumenta-cat page and it's showing now.
Kindly check.
Hi, thank you for answer. Still cannot get it on some pages... For example: https://www.osdjjaksic.edu.rs/zaposleni it is assigned modul id: 230 and it is not showing at all.
or https://www.osdjjaksic.edu.rs/korisno assigned modul id: 179
and it is showing, but height of masthead is small and not showing title.
HI, any reply?
tnx, Milos