If I create a new article or landing page using T4 PageBuilder Pro, then connect that page to a new menu item, the layout is always boxed. In other words, even if the sections of the T4 page are fluid, they end up boxed once they are added. There is no way to have a fluid row in a T4 Pagebuilder page. How can I get custom T4 Page Builder pages to actually be fluid? Changing the layout for a particular position in the template will not help because I may not want such a change to be universal. Is it a setting somewhere in the menu (I cannot find one)?
To be clear, the T4 PageBuilder page that I'm trying to display as an article has rows set to be fluid, but the module position for content is boxed, so building pages with T4 is sort of pointless if I'm always restricted to the article content position of the template. It seems to me that T4 PageBuilder pages should follow their own template structure below the top menu, similar to what SP PageBuilder does.

    michaedt Hi

    The content created via article / landing page using T4 Builder will display in the section which includes 'component' block of template. So kindly check the Layout settings in template again and make sure that section is set to fluid or none.

    If there is still no go, you can share the URL of that page and the super admin account so I can check for you.


    Thank you. So it appears that the best way to have a fluid page without disrupting the rest of the website (which isn't fluid) is to duplicate one of the JA Vega templates and assign the new template to the page that I want to be fluid. Then set the component block to be fluid. This would also allow me to remove some of the template blocks that may conflict with the T4 Builder blocks that will be imported. Seems to work.

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