Hi. looking at spacing around the component... it is larger than it would ideally be for me. Please can you let me know the custom CSS to fix this?
my site is https://squiresplanning.co.uk/index.php/contact?view=form
the contact form is not level with the module to the left... and I cannot work out why! The same happens on other pages, there is lots of space above/below the component.
Thanks in advance.
Hi andymet87
It's some spacing from the chrono form, you can try this custom css:
.com_chronoforms7 .t4-col.component { padding-top: 0; } #t4-section-2 .container.chronopage { padding-top: 0 !important; }
thank you!
Thank you.... that resolved that page. Really helpful!
Is there a way to deal with the spacing on other pages around the components on other pages?
https://squiresplanning.co.uk/index.php/projects https://squiresplanning.co.uk/index.php/news-updates
Whenever I try and use an article there is a chunk of white space...
A better example is on this page... https://squiresplanning.co.uk/index.php/about-us
it would be good to reduce the spacing so that it is more in line with the smaller arrows... 🙂
You can override with this custom css:
@media (min-width: 992px) { .t4-component, .component { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } }