Hi, I'm using News2 template. After ugrade to the last version, it shows loading.gif image all the timeHow can I stop it?
Could you please update your thread fields with your site back-end access (user, password). These fields are visible for moderators only.
Then we'll be able to check the issue.
Cheers Joshua
Is it enough?
Yes, thanks. I can't see template option to disable it - in this case, try to add the following custom css code:
#gkPreloader { display: none!important; }
I've put code to override.css. It doesn't work. I found this in /css/template.css: { background: #fff url('../images/loader_is.gif') no-repeat center center; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; opacity: .5; z-index: 9999999999999; } I've change it with display: none!important; doesn't work try mark with # doesn't work So if you coudn't find where to put code I have no chance to do.
I found where to place code. Now everything is OK. Thanks cheers
Great to hear that. I'll mark this thread as resolved.