When you view the source of the page and look at the of type for the image - you can see after "jpg" the # sign plus the joomla image + height and width (below):

og:image" content="https://www.xxx.com/images/xxx.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/carrier-oil-kz.jpg?width=600&height=325">

When I try to post on facebook the og:image is not included in the post. I believe this is because of everything after and including the "# sign" - the field is not sanitized and will not show on social sites looking for og:image information.

See screenshot below - when trying to post to facebook.


It appears to be cache from Facebook, I just tried to post that page and it looked normally:

It is still not working for me? What did you do and what do you mean "appears to be cache from Facebook"?

Thank you

9 days later
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