Since I have installed JA-Megafilter I see that I am logged-in several times in the front end but it is not the case. I am only logged-in once via the back end.
Since I have installed JA-Megafilter I see that I am logged-in several times in the front end but it is not the case. I am only logged-in once via the back end.
Hi Thomas,
It seems the Logged-in Users module in the administrator panel of your site is the default Joomla module, not one of our extensions
Have this issue happened recently or after you updated Joomla?
I cannot say if this happened recently or after an update. I can only say that I have recognized this Issue since I have installed JA Megafilter yesterday and tried to configure my first filter. After finishing and reloading the webpage several times I have seen this Issue in the back end.
Any idea to solve it? By the way, I cannot log-out by pushing the button. Nothing happend.
Hi Thomas,
May I know which Joomla version are you using? you can share the super admin account of your site so I can take a look.
Please see above. Thank you
thomasateilerspunkthamburg There seems to be an issue with this default administrator module in Joomla. While it doesn’t appear to be critical, migrating your site to Joomla 5 might resolve it.
I recommend testing the migration in a development or local environment first to ensure everything works smoothly.
Ok, understood. Thank you