When setting up a course I have one that will release 1 lesson per week and another that will release 3 lessons per week.
The 1 lesson per week displays correctly on the course details page.
But the one that should be 3 lessons per week is still saying "one lesson per week"
I checked the course information and its got 3 in the field as well as in the database
I checked the code on this page and it shows the following
if($res["course_lesson_release"] == '0'){
if($res_progr["course_type"] == 1 && $res_progr["lesson_release"] == 0){
$show_course_release .= '<li><i class="uk-icon-calendar"></i> <span class="uk-text-bold">'.Text::_("GURU_RELEASED_DATE").':</span> '.Text::_("GURU_ALL_AT_ONCE").'</li>';
elseif($res_progr["course_type"] == 1 && $res_progr["lesson_release"] == 1){
$show_course_release .= '<li><i class="uk-icon-calendar"></i> <span class="uk-text-bold">'.Text::_("GURU_RELEASED_DATE").':</span> '.Text::_("GURU_ONE_PER_DAY").'</li>';
elseif($res_progr["course_type"] == 1 && $res_progr["lesson_release"] == 2){
$show_course_release .= '<li><i class="uk-icon-calendar"></i> <span class="uk-text-bold">'.Text::_("GURU_RELEASED_DATE").':</span> '.Text::_("GURU_ONE_PER_W").'</li>';
elseif($res_progr["course_type"] == 1 && $res_progr["lesson_release"] == 3){
$show_course_release .= '<li><i class="uk-icon-calendar"></i> <span class="uk-text-bold">'.Text::_("GURU_RELEASED_DATE").':</span> '.Text::_("GURU_ONE_PER_M").'</li>';
It doesn't appear to me to be calling in the "lessons_per_release" information from the database
And the CONSTANT "GURU_ONE_PER_W" default text is "One lesson per week"
But I see where the CONSTANT 'GURU_LESSONS_PER_W" is in the languages, but I don't see any code on the modern template or default that calls that in.
Im not a programmer, I can read things fairly well but I cant write things out. So some help here would be great.
Can someone please look at this?