Hi, I'm still having issue with the readmore link. When set, the article (item) doesn't shom the lines (the teasing text) before the readmore. It directly show the readmore button after the title. Can you help to fix this issue? Another issue come with images that i can't manage. Even if I set desires sizes, the site show a big image that takes to much place. As you can see in included details. Can you please help to fix that too ? Thanks for all. Warm regards.
Hi Alexander,
Where did you turn off the introtext option?
I tried to access with provided admin account but no luck. Could you check the info again?
saguaros It's done. You can proceed Thanks again
I updated this file on your site a bit to show the intro text: /templates/ja_magz_ii/html/com_content/featured/default_item.php
This line:
<?php echo $this->item->introtext; ?>
Kindly check.