I'm quite confused, I can't publish a simple article, it seems that the main component com_content is missing despite being published in the template style.
The same article is displayed under Cassiopeia template so I think the problem is with JA - Artsy template.

If you could take a look.
Template style
ja_artsy - Default
Article item
Test article: ID 58
Menu item
Test menu: ID 1803

Many thanks,

Hi Lorenzo,

I updated this file a bit: /templates/ja_artsy/html/com_content/article/default.php

and the article content is showing now.

Kindly check.

Thank you Saguaros for this fix, but I'd be curious to understand why you commented out some lines in this file...
Is this an issue specific to my website?

    iorbita I can't replicate this issue from my dev site, I guess it has conflict with the 3rd party extension on your site, maybe Easylayouts 🙂

    ... thanks, I'll investigate with them...

      I had a discussion with Geraint from Easylayouts.
      He fixed the problem that comes from your template override. Too bad the solution didn't come from your support...

      This code line has been added:

      $this->item->fulltext = implode('', $explode);

      Here's Geraint's answer.

      I think the problem is in their default.php template override itself. By default Joomla sets article->text = article->introtext + article->fulltext

      When its loaded (on that article page) - the intro_text (the part in Joomla before the readmore is correct and the fulltext was empty. Their code runs the plugins and then assigns the empty fulltext to text.

      Their code should read :

      $separator = md5(time());
      $this->item->text = $this->item->introtext . $separator . $this->item->fulltext;
      $offset = $this->state->get('list.offset');
      $app = Factory::getApplication();
      $app->triggerEvent('onContentPrepare', array ('com_content.article', &$this->item, &$this->item->params, $offset));
      $app->triggerEvent('onContentAfterTitle', array ('com_content.article', &$this->item, &$this->item->params, $offset));
      $app->triggerEvent('onContentBeforeDisplay', array ('com_content.article', &$this->item, &$this->item->params, $offset));
      $app->triggerEvent('onContentAfterDisplay', array ('com_content.article', &$this->item, &$this->item->params, $offset));
      $explode = explode($separator, $this->item->text);
      $this->item->text = implode('', $explode);
      $this->item->introtext = array_shift($explode);
      $this->item->fulltext = implode('', $explode);
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