• Kkrumz



For some reason my last issue on this subject was closed when the issue is not fixed. This problem I'm having is affecting multiple websites where the 404 error page "Home Page" button is not working properly.

The last discussion is here: https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/50723-404-error-page-redirecting-to-indexphp/10

The issue now: If someone lands on the 404 page, say they went to websitename.com/radio - they land on the 404 page and if they were to click the "Home Page" button, it does nothing, it stays on the 404 error page.

Please let me know what the issue is when you take a look, thank you.

Hi @krumz,
Please check your website url again. I can't access the link you provided.

Kind reagrds,

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    5 days later
    • Kkrumz



    Have you had a chance to go back and look at this? Still not working! It would be nice to get an answer to this issue as it is the same for multiple websites.

    Hi @krumz,
    Open the error.php file in the t4_bs5_blank template and replace below code on your sites:

    <a href="<?php //echo $redirectUrl; ?>"
                       title="<?php echo Text::_('JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE'); ?>">
                        <?php echo Text::_('JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE'); ?>


    <a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/index.php"
                       title="<?php echo Text::_('JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE'); ?>">
                        <?php echo Text::_('JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE'); ?>

    I tried to check on your site and it worked fine.
    Kind regards.

      • Kkrumz


      I'm sorry but this is Not working. When replacing with the code you gave - the error page is once again redirecting to websitename.com/index.php -

      When a url is not found the 404 page “Home Page” link button takes you to websitename.com/index.php - rather than mywebsitename.com. The url is not being rewritten even though SEF is turned on.

      This issue cannot "only" be happening to just my websites?

      • Kkrumz


      I also typed in a bogus url on joomlart.com - got the 404 error page - hovered over the "Home Page" button and in the bottom left corner it shows joomlart.com/index.php but when you click the "Home Page" button it is redirecting to joomlart.com as it should.

      Why is this not working as it should on my websites?

        7 days later

        Just wondering if you have an answer for this? Thank you.

        a month later

        There have been a couple of joomla and t4 updates and the issue persists! Again, I have to wonder if I am the one this is happening to. I think not but maybe others don't notice the issue?

        Once again, from line 99 error dot php file (under t4bs5blank template) I have removed the 'index.php' from the code you gave me and the redirect to websitename.com/ redirects as it should. But again, this is only temporary until the next update.

        <a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/"
        title="<?php echo Text::('JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE'); ?>">
        <?php echo Text::


        I have tested on your website. Both lines

        <a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/"...


        <a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/index.php"...

        work fine. I'll double check and update in the T4_Blank template in next version.
        Kind regards,

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