Is there a way to migrate JA K2 Filter entries to Joomla Article List fields? Right now only the ID is saved as a text field.
Is there a way to migrate JA K2 Filter entries to Joomla Article List fields? Right now only the ID is saved as a text field.
Replaced field_values with Reg Labs DB Replacer and changed fields type and params in db. First test seems to work with JA Megafilter. Still around 300 entries to go. I am finally migrating JA Directory and K2/J3 to a J4/J5 solution including JLex Comments. Hopefully the styling is less of a challenge.
Two Custom fields are working as filter type (year and location) but the third type (streetnames) gives a 500 error right away on index/save. These are 234 entries and visible on Content Fields and 12K Articles. This works on JA K2 Filter. Is there a limit on JA Megafilter or is it a misconfiguration?
-> I finally found an error in one of the hosting logs; a memory limit perhaps?
-> It happens on every filter without Custom fields, also after reinstalling component/ plugin.
-> When unpublishing the list field completely the export works... how can I make a large set work?
According to the host the query uses too many resources with a fixed MEMORY_LIMIT of 512MB. Is it possible to optimize the query so JA Megafilter can be used like JA K2 Filter? See above for setup.
Not sure if this might be handled by the jamegafilter content plugin cacheCustomFields() function in cacheData.php
marty-harty Hello
Are you using the latest version of JA Megafilter? it includes improvement for indexing feature with large collection of data.