
is there an issue at the Quickstart-Package for Joomla 5, when i try to install it it cannot run - error 500...

Also i try to update JA Law Firm from Version 3.x to 4.x its ok and run, udating to Version 5 error 5oo too?

What is the Problem? I use PHP Vers. 8.3 an Maria DB 10, on other Templates by joomlart is this problem not...

I try to install JA Justitia and it works ...

But i need JA Law Firm for Joomla 5, is there an bugfixed Version to updating Version 4 aviable? Is the bug at the template or an extension?

    5 days later

    mfm176 Hello

    It should work with PHP 8.3 and MariaDB.

    Could you try to switch default template to Cassiopeia and see how it goes?

    8 days later

    Hi, i use PHP 8.3 and MariaDB but it dosennĀ“t work. The Quick-Installation crashes after installing and the root page crashes down after updating from latest Vers. 4.x to Vers. 5. All reportings before update are green...

    500 Error at the backend and Error: 0 in frontend after new installation Ja LAw Quickstart for Joomla 5 ... --> https://j5.kaiser-maschinenbau.com/index.php

    The onlyst thing that can be, there are Bugs on the Template or/and Plugins/Extensions, sorry ...

    Quickstart Justitia is no problem, but i have to update JA Law for my customer, so what can i try some time more?!?

    Please check your current version JA Law single files for updating and the Quickstart-Pack 5 or what ever ;-)

    Best regards


    i had become it updated to version 5 but there are issues on Ja Law Template-Stiles and frontend. What is now the problem?

    13 days later

    Please share me your website link and admin account. I tried downloading the latest quickstart and it works fine.
    Kind regards,

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    Thank you very much for your information. We are checking this issue on your website.

    Hi, many thanks to you.

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