I have installed JA Purity IV on a website.
I want the content text to be full width as per the sample image between the red lines

Also how can I resize the menu so that the text for the menu is all in one line?


Hi @jacquievc,
Please check again for me. Your website shows the error "You have tried to log in unsuccessfully to this website. Contact system administrator." when I am testing and customizing the style.
Kind regards,

Hello sorry I have unblocked your URL and also updated the admin URL here this should let you login now.

    I still can't access to admin of your website. Please help me check the URL again.

    Kind regards,

    The site is using AdminTools, I have removed a blocked IP for Vietnam.
    I have noticed that the URL I have provided keeps changing the - that is between the n and 4 with a #
    it should be like this n-4

    7 days later

    Hi @jacquievc,
    Thank you very much. I added the custom CSS style and updated the article detail layout to fix the sub-menu width and increase the content width.

    1. Custom CSS code:
      @media (min-width: 992px) {
        .navbar-expand-lg .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu {
          min-width: 360px;
      .t4-header .header-wrap {
        padding-top: 12px;
        padding-bottom: 12px;
      .navbar-brand a img {
        width: auto;
        max-height: 80px;
      .item-page.layout-default.no-sidebar .bottom-article-info {
        max-width: 100%;
    2. Added the default.php file in the "ja_purity_iv/local/html/com_content/article/" folder.

    Reload your website to view all changes.

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