I had alreade the same Problem and solved it with adding the following CSS code to the Tools > Custom CSS:

.t4-palette-start_header {
z-index: 21;

but now on a new website this workaround did not solve the problem. I use the ACM with the type: Hero and Style-1. If I only use one group/image here, then suddenly I can no longer use the menu with the mouse on the desktop. Name of the Module is "Start_Sliderimage".

I would also have a visual adjustment: If I make the website very large on a desktop, then the menu is transparent. As soon as the window is reduced and reaches a certain size, the menu will eventually turn white and the slider image will be placed underneath it. can i deactivate this? I would like to leave the menu permanently transparent so that the menu is visible on the slider image.

Thanks a lot again and Best Regards

9 days later

Hi @eugengtfr,
Add below CSS rules to the Edit Custom CSS modal to solve your issues.

#t4-header {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 40;

@media (min-width: 992px) {
  .header-transparent.border-bottom {
    --t4-border-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);

@media (min-width: 992px) {
  .header-transparent {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35);
    margin-bottom: -80px;
5 days later

Good morning and thank you for your feedback. It works now, thank you very much. If I make the window smaller, the font color of the menu changes from white to gray. Can I prevent the font color from remaining white?

Add the below CSS rules to your custom style to keep the menu white color on small screen.

@media (min-width: 992px) {
  div.t4-megamenu .navbar-nav > li > a,
  div.t4-megamenu .navbar-nav > li > .nav-link {
    --mainnav-link-color: #fff;

Thank you. I tried, but the fondcolor get still grey.

Hi @eugengtfr,
I updated the custom CSS on your website and It worked fine. Please to reload the website to view all changes.

Tank you very much!
Is ist also possible, to change the color of the Mask style to white instead of black? It's for the light theme.

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