I'm trying to configure a Features Intro : style-4 module, but only the title of the module is displayed on my website.
Could you please help ?
I'm trying to configure a Features Intro : style-4 module, but only the title of the module is displayed on my website.
Could you please help ?
Hi @jw-verite,
Please share with us the link to your website and an account that can access the website admin. We will help you check the cause of the error.
Kind regards,
The website is only on my localhost for now.
But if you ask me I can share whatever you want
I want to see the error to Inspect to find out what caused the error.
Kind regards,
I've installed a new Joomla 5.2 on my web host.
I've installed purity IV and JACM (Custom module).
On my web host the style-4 seems to appear correctly on the front side BUT... in administration the tab "Extra Fields" is not showing.
Could you please help ?
I can give you access to the admin.
Thank you
Hi @jw-verite,
Yes, please share with us the link to your website and an the admin account. We will try to check it as quickly as possible.
Kind regards,
Hi @jw-verite,
I tried reinstalling the JA Purity IV template and the "Extra Fields" tab reappeared in the admin.
It's OK, thank you !