Hello - we have this site: https://www.mynewbraunfelsvacation.com/
using the T4_bs5_blank template.
We created a new category in the OSproperty system and can get that to display along with its related properties...
EX: https://www.mynewbraunfelsvacation.com/vacation-rental-search
- note the "Cabo San Lucas" and "Creekside" toggles in the list.
But these new categories do not show in the mega menu. As a visitor views the site, click the Vacation Rental Search and the Search by Location column should have the two additional options...
Yes, we do have menu items created for each... they are just not displaying...
I was able to change an existing one to a new one. Now we have Creekside showing...
So is it limiting the number of menu items displayed in that column?
Can you help me here? What am I missing?