In the Spa Template Navbar-Horizontal the same logo as in the header is loaded in the footer via the layout setting Footer >> logo >> element >> logo. However, I would like to publish a smaller one in a different color. Where can I find the corresponding settings?

If I adjust the logo.php under templates/ja_spa/html/layouts/t4/element for testing, the header logo is also overwritten.

<span class="logo-wrap <?php if($logo2) echo 'has-logo-2' ;?>">
<?php if($logo) :?>
<img class="logo-nav-close logo-img<?php echo $logo_sm_cls;?>" src="/images/logo-footer.png" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($site_name) ?>" />
<?php endif ;?>


Hi @ludger freeman,
You can use a custom module to load the logo in the footer instead of using the logo element. Follow the below steps to load different logo in the footer.

  • From template dashboard click to the "Layout -> Logo Element".
  • Change the configures like below images.
  • Open the "Logo Footer" module and change the logo (create the "Logo Fotoer" moduel if it does not exist).
    Kind regards,

Hi cssyeah,
sometimes you can't think of the simplest things. ;-)

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