In the lower part of any "author's page" you find all recent articles of that author listed.
The header is: "[first name last name]'s Latest Stories"
This line I could not find in any language file for the template or in the Joomla language files. Is it hard coded or did I overlook something? Where / how can I translate this particular line?

Thanks for "operning my eyes".

    Yes this is annoying to have show up on every single article and I can't find a way to remove it. If this can't be removed, then I will be forced to find a different template from a different company. If it is hard coded into the template then that is really stupid. I opened up a ticket a few days ago asking for help on this and have yet to hear back. So much for the 24 hour response time promised when I purchased the template.

    Please follow the steps below to modify the title according to your idea.

    1. Copy the author.php file from "ja_vega/html/com_content/author/" folder to "ja_vega/local/html/com_content/author/" folder (Create a directory according to the path if it does not exist.).
    2. Open the author.php file and go to about line 56. Edit below code by your idea.
      <h2 class="text-center"><?php echo $this->author->name ." 's " . Text::_('TPL_LATEST_STORIES'); ?></h2>
      Kind regards,
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