Hi scheer72
Can we fix one problem at once ?
Otherwise it becomes very hard .
1) You added a wrong API Key , time ago google changed policy for maps api keys - now each api key works if it has a specific website assigned to it , so you will need to create your own Google Map API Key and add it in the JA Google Map plugin
HERE you can see how to obtain your own API Key
Ja Google Map plugin documetation HERE
2) You want to add video into articles ? then just use the iframe code from youtube share button and add it to your article content , be aware to disable first your default editor from global configuration because html code added to an article will be stripped out when article is saved so the trick is to disable default editor and add the <iframe code >
here is an example for the youtube iframe
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1DhA69K3fZ4" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
4) that's not the name of the page it is template logo , you can change it from template manager
5) Your template was missing of one plugin that should be installed - it is named ja-k2-extrafield
I installed it and now you can add your icons in your k2 categories
Please let's have first all these fixed and then we can continue with other configurations.
Hope it helps