Thank you for the offer to help. As I tried to make changes, things just got worse.
I setup a test version of the site that exhibits the problem:
The working version of the site is located at:
The live version is:
I use http auth to protect production site admin and the two test sites. Creds are posted in the secure area.
On the working stage site, the styles for the leading articles look like
<div class="blog-featured" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="items-leading clearfix">
<div class="leading leading-0">
In the busted version (www and test), , the styles for the leading articles look like
<div class="blog-featured" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="items-leading clearfix">
<div class="leading-0 clearfix" itemprop="blogPost" itemscope itemtype="">
Thank you so much for taking a look.