Hello there, I have a problem with the transparence of a menu: when I scroll the page, the menu appears transparent, as I post in the attachment.
The menu is "Menu Aziende" and it appears under the page http://www.corsicorsari.it/formazione-linguistica (you have to log in with my account because it's still a hidden page).
Hi corsicorsari
You can try to add at your custom.css file this code
If you do not have it already then create a new one below this folder /templates/uber/css/
.t3-header.affix { z-index:9999; }
You can use this custom CSS code:
.t3-header.affix { z-index: 21; }
put into the file: root/templates/uber (your default template)/css/custom.css (Create this file if it doesn't exist)
Thank you, now it's perfect!