If that do not work well.
then no solution for the text box for now.
And for the accent problem.
I edited the file.
Added the code. at line 1316-1335
if (item.getField(field) == undefined || item.getField(field) == 'undefined') return null; // prevent error when the item do not had value on this field.
val = val.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/g, '\\$1').toLowerCase(); // addslashes to all special characters.
let specialChar = {
for (let x in specialChar) {
val = val.replace(new RegExp(x, 'g'), specialChar[x]);
let searchSTR = item.getField(field).toLowerCase();
return searchSTR.match(new RegExp(val, 'i'));
If there missing a word you could add more to the code if you like.
For the search list option.
that required many detail work and many place to edit.
I could not list all the edit here.
The Dev team will consider to add the option if had some more user desire the option.