paulus1031 Yes, the style seems to be having a TON of problems for me right now. Actually the main thing is that a bit earlier I set the minimum width of the template to 200 pixels and I compiled the template css after @aman204 added his suggestion to align the menus to the left.
I have since changed the menu minimum width to 300 and have commented out the CSS alignment changes. So, I am expecting the changes to be visible but I am not seeing them. It is certainly baffling me! :-(
I wonder if I am running a wrong version of the framework? I am using version 5.1.6 of plg_ajax_zengridframework with the Colourshift2 Buildr template.
I have turned off the cache in global configuration, the system cache plugin is not enabled, I have disabled my cdn plugin to keycdn, and I have removed all history from my browser, but still I am seeing the menus at a width of 200 pixels and my menus alignment on the left side. Both things I am trying to have go away. I have compiled less and have saved my 'changes' to template multiple times.
any ideas you have will be appreciated.