I would like to kindly ask what css style would you suggest in order to make sidenews horizontal not vertical. As you can see at my page I am not able to have 3 (or more) collums in sidenews horizontally, only vertically.
Thank you for any advice!
crystalrain123 Hi Add this code in custom.css file
#ja-sidenews-jasd-modid91 .ja-sidenews { width: 30%; float: left; }
change the value of width as per needs.
Amazing!! This was my idea.
Could you please help me with additional adjustment as i.e.
Thank you!!
crystalrain123 Hi,
You may change the above css rule-set to add more declarations and change values accordingly:
#ja-sidenews-jasd-modid91 .ja-sidenews {width: 30%;float: left;margin: 0 11px;font-size: 12px;}
add padding functions to adjust alignment of the text
And also, add this :
.ja-sidenews-desc{padding:15px 3px;} /*adjust 15px value accordingly */
aman204 Thank you, it worked, but - top, bottom padding does not seem to work.
I had to add !important to make sure at least left padding takes effect.
.ja-sidenews-desc { padding-left: 15px!important; }
crystalrain123 Hi Yes sometime when override not work, there is need to add !important to force the value. Glad to hear the style work for you.