Where is Addthis.com coded in the Jason template/quickstart (and why)?
Please help me to know which JA plugin use it.
Addthis.com bloat/mal/adware slows down the page loading
Response Headers200
X-Hosts7.addthis.comDateMon, 13 Aug 2018 08:50:32 GMTContent-EncodinggzipSurrogate-Keyclient_distLast-ModifiedMon, 23 Jul 2018 16:49:02 GMTETag"5b5606fe-57536"VaryAccept-EncodingX-Distribution99Content-Typeapplication/javascriptCache-Controlpublic, max-age=600Content-Length113955Connectionkeep-aliveAccept-RangesbytesTiming-Allow-Origin*Cache-Tagclient_dist
Thank you pankaj, I know the platform but have not found the source on the site. Just did not checked the off-canvas menu...
saguaros locked the discussion.