
in the folio layout, on the rollover, the image goes to blank, but the title are blank too.
So it is not really lisible (see my screenshot for morte understanding).

How can we fix this problem by changing blank to black ?

Thank you.

    dieudonne Hi. Please add this ti css:

    .gk-is-wrapper-gk-photo figcaption a:hover, .portfolio.blog-grid .gk-overlay > strong, p.num-2 span {
        color: #222 !important;
        border-color: #222 !important;


      thank for your help.

      I copy/taste the code, empty the cache, and refresh the page. But nothing change...
      Strange isn't it ?

      If you have a other idea...?

      Thank you.


      I'm spent quite a bit of time looking at this and so far I have

      .category-13 .blog-grid .item-info {z-index:1000;}

      This puts the info on top of the overlay however it does reduce the clickable area

      An alternate might be change the white text to an alternate colour perhaps even when not hovering over the item?


      11 days later

      teitbite gk-is-wrapper-gk-photo figcaption a:hover, .portfolio.blog-grid .gk-overlay > strong, p.num-2 span {

      color: #222 !important;
      border-color: #222 !important;


      I tried again, and searched others ways to do this.
      Can find anything...

      Can you help please ?


      Found, it is better with this:

      .portfolio .item-image-block:hover .gk-overlay {
          opacity: 0.2;
      .portfolio .gk-overlay {
          background: #222;

      By the way, I can't remove the avatar on blog image.

      I tried:

      .blog-grid .item-info a > img {
          display: none !important;

      But the avatar is still there, but invisible...so you can click on it...

      How can we remove it totally ?

      Thank you.



        You can try with this:

        .blog-grid .item-info > span.author > a.url.fn.n {
            display: none;


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