@aman204 OK, so I found this in the Custom CSS code field:
#gkLogo:hover {
background-color: transparent;
I found an override.css file too, but it's empty.
Now I found the social media module that's mentioning a Gplus class, so I guess that class is calling the image. I must have replaced the G+ image with an instagram image, I just haven't found yet where the image is.
Anyway would I be able to create a Instagram class that calls the instagram image and hover image and add this in the override.css file? That would be great, because then I would not be worried about this anymore when I upgrade the template.
Finally, I remembered that we also added a cookie policy that's different from the Cookie Law template option. I found that I replaced the content of the cookielaw.php file with my own content. I remember doing that because the original Magazine template cookie law option wasn't working well; I don't remember exactly what wasn't working, but you might want to ask the developers to check this out next time they update this template.
Can the new cookie law be in the override.css file too so it is replaced automatically when I upgrade the template?
I think the cookie law is php, actually a script, and not css, so maybe there is a way to have an "override.php" file too?
I hope this is not confusing for you, I tried my best to be clear so you can help me. Thanks a lot.