Hi there. i`m having 2 problems
1) CONTACTO Section: I need the color of the text to be white. I can´t modify by changing the color.
2) PRODUCTOS Section: When entering the different sections, all the links work well except when I choose "QUIENES SOMOS". The link is correct but does not return correctly to the main section targeted. http://c1290088.ferozo.com/#nosotros


Hi There,

Can I just check the site is ok as my malware scanner blocks this site from loading as it reports malware


I also can't see your website - it's loading and loading...


Hi guys.
I have not installed any extra plugins or anything. The link works perfectly and I have also checked with the server and my account is free of Malware.

I await your help

I'm having problems loading the site

but for the colour I'd suggest using a different colour other than white perhaps

#contacto p { color:#000;font-weight:bold}

With the images not working

Can you take a backup of the site and then update the template version


    6 days later

    It is not white, but works fine!. Thanks!

    I just update template and modules. All is up to date, but still having the same problem.
    I have tried to modify the link putting a new one, but still having the problem in the http://c1290088.ferozo.com/#nosotros link.
    The others links works fine returning to the main section.

    Have any other idea? paulus1031

    I still can't see the website, are you using any security extension like RS Firewall? Maybe something is blocking your website..



    As with Joshua I'm having problems with the site
    (I have added an exclusion to my malware scanner and it still will not load the site without it)

    If I click the first link it does scroll to the right item - is this the area of the site you are having problems with?


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