Hello j uses the module News Pro GK5 J! 3 and I vary on mode module, for cons I do not understand why I have a mod mode Bikestore Slider but after nothing when I click on I have more my article that appears. I'm looking for this morning I do not understand why. I would like some help
limaseb Hi. I'm afraid I do not understand. Can You please explain one more time what is the problem with NSP. Please also attach an access to Your site and url so I'll be bale to check after You explain.
I put the links of the site: http://www.rieux-morbihan.fr/rieux-morbihan The first with the fashion module bikestore slider and the second in standard mode. the second is of course the article but the first he does not want.
limaseb Hi,
I still can't get your point and issue here either, could you share some screenshots of how you want it should be?
and share the credentials of your site also.
Hello, Click on Flash Info in news 2 nothing happens, the whole article is not displayed. Click on news flash in news, the article is displayed.
Why in news 2 the article is not displayed?
You mean to click these links? http://prntscr.com/j14pgg As I can see it shows the same.
Could you share screenshot highlight the link you're mentioning?
Voici copie ecran de site
I guess that 'FLASH INFO' item doesn't belong to any menu item so that when you click to open, it displays on the same page. You can try creating new menu item and assign that article to the new menu item and check again.
If there is still no go, you can share the admin login info: https://cl.ly/3y3R0p24250G I will check for you.
I put you the information like the gif.
Would you watch, and especially where it comes from.
limaseb Hi. Please read this article https://www.gavick.com/documentation/joomla/templates/quickstart/how-to-make-links-working I think You are missing landing pages for some categories.
Thanks, i found my mistake. Closing of the ticket cordially.
Great to hear it's solved, can you share details, where was the mistake? It may be helpful for other users.
Cheers Joshua