Dear, I need to use two different image sizes when the article of works is opened and another when the blog article is opened. How should I do it? In both cases, use the class itemImageBlock img
Articles of works are generated by News Show Pro module (Portfolio II portal mode) did you try to change thumbnails dimensions there?
Cheers Joshua
Sisi, but when you open the article, the images above, I want each module to have a different size For example in that link, the top image has 100% and a padding-left and padding-right 25% In this link, the image should be smaller, but I do not know where to modify the Blog module to take another class css
Hi There,
Can you add a link for the site admin and we can take a look at targeting some css
Cheers Paul
Where did I send the data?
Can you check out this thread
under point 5.
Cheers paul