Hello, Is there a way to order the Slider Items? The current slider shows the First In First Out, I was wondering if I can display Last item as First slide so that the latest Item will be always diplayed first. Kindly assist.
Hi namdru1
You will need to modify this file /templates/ja_company/acm/slideshow/tmpl/style-1.php and add the initialSlide value-
Take a look at the standard API HERE
Hope it helps
Hello Pavit, my slider doesn't auto-play. Can you have a look? Thank you
namdru1 Hi,
I can't access your site now.
But this JA ACM -Slideshow module supports option for autoplay already: http://prntscr.com/kohxtf
Make sure that it's enabled.
Hello Pavit, It's working. I have disabed the autoplay option, mad bad 😛. anyways thank you