I'm having problems embedding some widget code from Trustpilot.com on to https://www.wundawheels.co.uk
I tried turning off the text editor and just pasting the code into a custom html module. I thought that would be the simplest way.
There are two widgets I'm trying to add. Here is the example code from them:
<!-- TrustBox widget - Review Collector -->
<div class="trustpilot-widget" data-locale="en-GB" data-template-id="56278e9abfbbba0bdcd568bc" data-businessunit-id="5b4b691a8442cd0001295fc2" data-style-height="52px" data-style-width="100%"><a href="https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.wundawheels.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Trustpilot</a></div>
<!-- End TrustBox widget -->
<p> </p>
<!-- TrustBox widget - Micro Review Count -->
<div class="trustpilot-widget" data-locale="en-GB" data-template-id="5419b6a8b0d04a076446a9ad" data-businessunit-id="5b4b691a8442cd0001295fc2" data-style-height="24px" data-style-width="100%" data-theme="light"><a href="https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.wundawheels.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Trustpilot</a></div>
<!-- End TrustBox widget -->
If you scroll to the very bottom left footer of the site you will see the results - nothing, just a hyper link.