site: https://www.witraze.info/en/
JB Buildr - One Page menu is not scrolling the front page of the site under Chrome only (FF is OK). When I turn on the errors display to maximum the scrolling is working and I got error display:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemHeadscript has a deprecated constructor in /home/users2/witraze/public_html/witraze/witrazeinfo2018/plugins/system/headscript/headscript.php on line 16
on my test site: https://www.witrazesc.com.pl/witraze/witraze_082016/en/
which should work similar scrolling is working OK.
Could you compare and check what is wrong, please?
This issue is visible from times to times and I have no idea what is causing it?

regards Tomek

    witraze JB Buildr - One Page menu is not scrolling the front page of the site under Chrome only (FF is OK).

    Having reviewed in Chrome, I am unable to replicate any such issue. Kindly review screencast

      aman204 Thanks for checking - good it is working on your side!
      On my side still there is a issue. Only when I scroll the page slightly by mouse the menu start to work, when scrolled back to top it is not working again. See the video: https://cl.ly/591312ce0534
      Strange. Regards Tomek

      Strange as it does work for me also when using Chrome

      Are you using the latest chrome version?


      Yes, it is strange as on the other machine here in my office it is OK . I thought you can check the differences through the admin tools. But it is difficult I see. Treat the case as closed please.

      regards Tomek

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