site: https://www.witraze.info/en/
JB Buildr - One Page menu is not scrolling the front page of the site under Chrome only (FF is OK). When I turn on the errors display to maximum the scrolling is working and I got error display:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemHeadscript has a deprecated constructor in /home/users2/witraze/public_html/witraze/witrazeinfo2018/plugins/system/headscript/headscript.php on line 16
on my test site: https://www.witrazesc.com.pl/witraze/witraze_082016/en/
which should work similar scrolling is working OK.
Could you compare and check what is wrong, please?
This issue is visible from times to times and I have no idea what is causing it?
regards Tomek