using wordpress Gavick University theme
the main menu on mobile becomes (as expected) an aside menu, with a toggle button to make it appear
on mobile, if I use Chrome browser, I scroll the menu till the end, then the menu blocks at the last menu voice, and only the underlying content goes on scrolling
the same action on browsers other than Chrome (tried Firefox and Opera) causes a problem
I open the aside menu with the toggle button, scroll down the menu, but as soon as the last menu voice appears, the aside menu closes itself, no way to keep it visible
in this way I can't use the last voice of the menu, that in my case is the login/logout option
I suspect this behaviour has something to do with the file wp-content>themes>University>js>, where a section
// Android stock browser fix for the` aside menu
appears, but I'm not sure, and I don't know where to put hands to solve this
this happens on my effective site and also on an almost clean installation of wordpress gavick University, so again I think of a theme problem and not of my specific site
thanks for suggestions