I have tried my hand at this. The earlier post instructions, ".. load zentools 2 accordion module after configuring the same and load it inside article assigned for specific menu item..", my menu item is not an article, it's a category listing.
I have configured the accordion and it's module ID 111.
At first I assigned the module to the menu item and that didn't work.
The default layout for the original category listing is what shows, which is just the link.
Then I tried configuring the menu item itself, from the Module Assignment tab tried to specify the module but that didn't work either.
I need some help here.
I am trying to assign this module to the 'Customer Review Sites' menu item, which is under Projects parent menu.
The is the link for the category listing on which I am trying to place the zen tools2 accordion module, http://www.product-adviser.com/proto2/index.php/projects/customer-review-sites