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Joomla 5.2.3 Compatibility for JA Templates, Bug Fixes, and More

Hi all,
I place images in sidebars 1 and 2 (banner adverts to the left and right of the main content - see here: but there is too much space to the right of each advert. Is there a way to control the space (padding?) for each one independently? Or at least control where the image is placed withing the module? For example have the left image on the left and the right image on the right of the page?
I need the adverts to mirror each other on the page and to not have too much space between them and the main content.
Let me know if it's possible.
Thanks, Nick


    You can use this custom CSS to align the banner of sidebar-1 to the right:

    #sidebar-1 .banneritem img {
        float: right;

    Thank you that worked.
    One more question:
    How can I get the two adverts to stay together at the top of the page on mobile devices?
    At the moment the advert on the left stays at the top of the page on small devices, this is then followed by the main content, and below that is the advert from the right of the page.
    As you can imagine, the advertiser in sidebar-1 position would not be too happy if their advert is pushed to the bottom of the page on small devices.
    Can this template control positioning of the sidebars on small devices so both are above the main content?

    Hi Nick,

    I think your other question now makes this thread obsolete?


    Correct Paul. I did not receive a response to this question for some time, so thought it would be best to start a new thread.

    sorry about that I'm not sure how it got missed

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