Hello, help to understand - what is this error?
Thumbnail error NewImgResize failed x,y = 0
pavit This is because of a failed code edit. I wanted to solve the problem of identical miniatures. Here's what I wanted to do, on the filter page https://sozidatel mmm.online/filter#sort=attr.ct12.frontend_value&sortdir=desc all thumbnails are different in height. And on page https://sozidatel.online / milk thumbnails are not viewable at all, they are small.
The problem of error NewImgResize failed x,y = 0 is detected. But I still need to solve the problem of identical miniatures.
Prompt how to make all (goods in the list of category and in the filter) miniatures of the same size?
- Edited
Hi tyz-tref
It is all related to virtuemart extension ( not joomlart ) if you do not want to use same size images, then you can use the thumbnail resize from virtuemart inbuilt, take a look HERE
Or you can install a 3rd part extension to have your thumbnails at the same size
something like THIS Or something specific for virtuemart extension .