Hi, How to add Android and Apple icons ?
Thanks, MIlos
veselinovm Hi Can you share complete details in which part of site you would like to add icons? In this template Each article in the listing page has icon, the template supports Flaticon icon. This documentation helps you to add icons.
Hi, thanks for a quick answer. I need touch device icons. When I visit website from phone, it remains an icon. In Gavick templates there is future for that.
veselinovm Hi it still not clear which icons you are referring> Could you share the URL and screenshot which icon is not showing in mobile. You will see the same icon in phone that you can see in the PC.
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="http://website/images/apple-icon-192x192.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="http://website/images/apple-icon-182x182.png">
it is meta data
veselinovm Hi Open template style options custom code .You can define them after/before head. Or open /tpls/blocks/head.php file and define them. This way it will be added in the head of your site.