no, I haven't done that part because I don't want to create a product, nor a product app.
You only need the API key and the page ID, which in this plugin is not working for me, at the moment.
I think JOOMLART should check an update of this plugin, to make it easier or update its facebook tutorial, so as not to leave us any steps.
Facebook has changed its developer page recently and they don't have the help section well developed yet either.
read that about:
March 21, 2018 Facebook developers
3 Turn off access for unused apps. If someone hasn’t used an app within the last three months, we will turn off the app’s access to their information.
4 Restrict Facebook Login data. We are changing Login, so that in the next version, we will reduce the data that an app can request without app review to include only name, profile photo and email address. Requesting any other data will require our approval.