I was wondering, is there a way that only I could vote for articles? I want to use it as a rating system for reviews, and not a rating system for articles, so i want to be the only one able to chose the score.

I'll use this post to ask another question,
is there a way I could translate parts of the site myself? I used a different language pack, and sadly, many parts, the forums included, are still in English.

Is it possible for me in any way to translate it by myself?

Thank a lot.

    natichief I was wondering, is there a way that only I could vote for articles?

    Sorry but your question is not clear at all , could you post some website example already doing this ?

    natichief Is it possible for me in any way to translate it by myself?

    Of course you can translate

    You should edit appropriate language .ini file positioned in /languages/xx-XX/ folder

    for example /languages/en-GB/com_content.ini to translate articles text

    Hope it helps

      First of all,
      thanks a lot for the quick reply!

      Secondly, about the first question, I'll try to make myself clearer:
      Currently, anyone who reads an article can vote, rating the article itself anywhere from 1 to 5 stars. I want to deny this option from users, and to be the only one who could vote.

      Because this way I could write a review about a game, and decide to give it 4 out of 5, for example, and that way it will show up top my vote, and not everyones.

      the up top score of a review I'm talking about:

      Or, as an alternative,
      just a way to disable the vote system entirely, and just a way of being able to score the product I review.

      Thank you,

        Hi natichief

        Your question was already answered HERE Please have a look at the solution adopted there.

        Let me know if this solve your question at all.



          Hope it's fine, didn't want to open another topic since mine's the last, so I'll just ask a couple more questions in this one.

          1. I would like to change the default article font.
            Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe it's currently Tahoma, and I would like to change it to Arial, 12pt. Where could I change it?

          2. I decided I don't want the score system, so I went to:
            Extensions > Plugins > 'Content - Vote', and changed the status to 'Disabled'.
            For the most part it solved my problem, now in the home page the score that appeared on articles is gone, but when I enter an Article defined as 'review', I can still see it showing inside:

          I would like to know how could I make it disappear.

          I'm aware that both my questions are not solved by built-in administrator options, but through css probably, yet it's not my strong side, therefor, I am here asking for your help and guidance. 🙂

          Thanks a lot,

            Hi natichief

            1) To change default font you can change have a look at THIS PAGE

            2) You can add to your custom.css

            .category-module.latest-reviews .article-img .rating-score {

            Hope it helps


              Which custom.css?
              Is there a custom.css inside the back-end editor, or should i create one myself inside the css folder?

                natichief s there a custom.css inside the back-end editor, or should i create one myself inside the css folder?

                Custom.css file can be created in this folder /templates/ja_playmag/css/


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