My first go at the accordion display for article items was a success but ever since I added a second accordion article item listing now both links are showing the same thing but in the module I specified different categories. This link is supposed to show only 'Real Estate sites' which is only 1 article item, Only 'New Zealand Realestate' is supposed to be here. This is the Customer Review Sites, Only Product Adviser and Tell Annie is supposed to show. Each module ID numbers 111 and 112 are configured for different categories but they both show the same article items. Why?
arimakidd Kindly review as your admin details added in edit fields arent working so as to take closer look
your admin details added in edit fields arent working...
Are you using the correct loging url? I included the url in the edit fields.
arimakidd Are you using the correct loging url?
Yes, Had appended /administrator to the domain sub-directory url however still, it isnt working
The password starts with .3 . Hoping you didn't miss the dot . Just logged in using creds straight from edit field.
arimakidd Hi. It's not one module showing all 3 options, but 2 modules being displayed one under the other. They are both attached to ALL pages and same module position. If You want to show htem on separate page please change the attachment to different pages or make a different module position name for one of them.
Thanks. This is solved.