arucardx Friend

<em>@Stork11 330563 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello celinahex,

Here is JA Wall documentation http://joomla25-templates.joomlart.com/ja_wall/en/documentation , please take a look on it 🙂


Actually, its sorta in there but also not in the documentation. Only in the article that chooses between K2/Joomla standard content is extra classes ever mentioned. In which it only covers about grid-double and grid-triple. However there are a lot more variations which are not mentioned, most importantly the color styles.

The whole list can be found thru this link yourdomain/templates/ja_wall/css/template.css under “ITEM STYLE PRESETS”. There you can customize and add new style as per your needs. One thing I notice is that the color styles such as hilite, dark and blue doesn’t have a css style defined for search tags if you uses K2.