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JA Decor
Change the "favicon.ico" text...
Cant send email from form contact.!
loosing the page break and cannot re-size image in article.
Cannot change the font police size
Difference between 2 template styles..
Where is this module ? cant find it.!
Cannot add a JA Masshead into template
Cant place an article in a exact spot on a page set from a category
losing some pages layout - Extending Extra field functionality
Two Logos with two different Urls
JaDecor theme, can't change the color.
JA Google Map generate a text on map
How to Create Extra Field Group
Change Fields Extrafields Projects
Change name button
video gallery
0 Call to a member function get_ip() on null
Is there a sticky menu option on JA Decor, for Smartphone?
wrong map display
http error 500
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